Single Woman 40 Not By Choice

I'm 42, not married, and I don't have kids. Can you relate? If your life is anything like mine, you've gotten plenty of comments from well-meaning friends and you've got a pat answer to the question Don't you want to have kids? Little do they know, this can be the most celebrated time of your life! Consider yourself blessed and enjoy the freedom.

Reflections on Turning 40 While Single and Childless. By Bethany Jenkins, @BethanyJenkins. Back to Blog. And for every single woman you meet who you think has a fatal flaw making her unmarriageable, you can probably think of another woman with that same fatal flaw who is happily married. Single mothers by choice. 40 Reasons Why Being Single in Your 40s is the Greatest Thing Ever. Fly solo—and love it. By Julia Malacoff. September 12, 2017. September 12, 2017. Share Tweet LinkedIn. In your 40’s, this is not nearly as important as finding somebody you can enjoy your time with is. Typically at 40, you have already established your career.”.

Single Mother By Choice Forum

To date and choose a partner. To revel in wellness, and have fun babysitting your friends' children. (And them back to mom!) By now, I hope you've learned that the key to happiness and health is not found in anything or anyone but yourself. I used to think the true answer in life was finding a mate. This was until I got into a marriage too quickly and realized how incredibly lonely life can be when you aren't with the right partner. Then I got divorced in 2007 and realized that life—single or married—should be whatever you want it to be! Here are 5 things to celebrate about being 40 or over, single, and having no children: 1.

You can travel. You don't have to wait until retirement to see Europe, Costa Rica, New York, Belize, or New Mexico. You can explore the world with friends, family, or join one of the endless getaways that are offered for singles. Another idea: Missionary work. It's incredibly fulfilling and by joining a volunteer group, you can just pick up and go while being surrounded by new friends. 2. You have an opportunity to nurture your friendships and relationships with family. Because you have the time!

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When you're married, a large percentage of your energy and effort goes into your spouse and children. When you're single, you have the opportunity to build upon relationships that you wouldn't otherwise have the time to nurture. You have time to pursue your passions. Think of all the hours and resources your can put into your wellness journey! What a rare gift! What are you passionate about? Go do it!, guitar lessons, poetry, blogging, cooking classes, hiking, running marathons, baking, etc.

Single Woman 40 Not By Choice 2017

Explore, be spontaneous, try new things and discover anything and everything that makes you shine from the inside out. The dating pool is large in your 40s—much larger than you'd think. A large majority of our population is divorced. What this means is that the dating pool in your 40s can feel larger than in your 30s! There are so many social media dating sites and social events in every major city. I was astounded when I turned 40 how many fish were in the sea! This is a fabulous age to date! You know what you're looking for, you have more life experience underneath your wings and you understand hardship by now—and so do most of the people you're dating.

Windows vista boot iso download windows 10. You have financial security. At this stage in life, you have the resources to do whatever it is you want to be doing and no other financial obligations outside of yourself. There are many positives: you can secure a wonderful retirement package for yourself, invest in your present and future, and provide a large emergency cushion for any future challenges. There are so many more things to celebrate about where you are in life, but I wanted to draw attention to this particular age bracket.

Woman not married by 40Single by choice women

I know people who are married and happy, and single and happy. But I also know many people who are married and suffering with loneliness, and those who spend all of their time complaining that they don't have a spouse or kids. The key is to be thrilled with where you are right now.

Embrace your age, circumstances, lifestyle and those that you so choose to share it with. If you're unable to authentically embrace where you are? Change where you are.

Cheers to life!

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